- Download Opera Mini Old Version Apk For Android Laptop
- Download Opera Mini Old Version Apk For Android Pc
- Opera Mini Apk For Android
Opera Mini is a well-known mobile Web browser. Get a faster, more cost-efficient web browsing experience.
- Download Opera Mini Old Version for Android Phone. Here get all old version of Opera Mini browser apk file with Latest downloading link.
- Download Opera Mini Old Version for Android Phone. Here get all old version of Opera Mini browser apk file with Latest downloading link.
Developer: Opera Software
Here you will find APK files of all the versions of Opera Mini available on our website published so far. Popular Apps Popular Games Download: Android App.
Category: Internet
Latest version: 6.1.25577
Total versions: 11
Submitted: 21 Jun 2008
Updated: 15 Dec 2010
Opera Mini is a free handy web browser for Android mobile devices that uses powerful servers to compress data by up to 90% before sending it to the mobile, and by doing so provides a faster browsing experience.Download
Opera Mini 6.1.25577 seem to be the latest available version. Below you can find file(s) assigned to this version:
- Opera_Mini_6.1.25577.apk (768 KB, ↓ 0)
Description/changelog of Opera Mini 6.1.25577:
- Avoid using Courier New as default font as seen on CyanogenMod
- Speed up of initial font calculation
- Fixed issue with missing national letters
- Reduces memory usage
- Speed up of initial font calculation
- Fixed issue with missing national letters
- Reduces memory usage
Old versions
Below are the earlier versions of Opera Mini.
Description/changelog of Opera Mini 6.1.25375:
- Added support for Google AutoComplete and Yandex Suggestions
- Added ability to search directly from the address bar
- Added support for country domain auto-complete (ccTLDs) such as .ru or .id
- Added intelligent TLD support which learns the most used domain (TLDs)
- Added support for more font faces and sizes
- Added support for Arabic, Hebrew, and other RTL languages in menus
- Improved text selection
- Fixed issue of missing title when sharing a URL
- General bug fixes and improvements
- Added ability to search directly from the address bar
- Added support for country domain auto-complete (ccTLDs) such as .ru or .id
- Added intelligent TLD support which learns the most used domain (TLDs)
- Added support for more font faces and sizes
- Added support for Arabic, Hebrew, and other RTL languages in menus
- Improved text selection
- Fixed issue of missing title when sharing a URL
- General bug fixes and improvements
- Opera_Mini_6_1_Android.apk (767 KB, ↓ 0)
Description/changelog of Opera Mini 6.0.25174:
[no description available for this version]
- com.opera.mini.android_6.0.25174.apk (734 KB, ↓ 0)
Description/changelog of Opera Mini 6.0.24556:
- Fixed black screen during startup
- Fixed crash due to out of memory error
- Fixed problem where not possible to click links after first install
- Don't show 'Status bar' setting on Honeycomb devices
- Several other smaller bug and crash fixes
- Fixed crash due to out of memory error
- Fixed problem where not possible to click links after first install
- Don't show 'Status bar' setting on Honeycomb devices
- Several other smaller bug and crash fixes
- com.opera.mini.android.apk (755 KB, ↓ 0)
Description/changelog of Opera Mini 6.0.24212:
- Pinch zoom
- Improved panning and zooming performance
- New UI optimized for tablets
- Refreshed user interface
- Share
- Open Link in Background
- Better Font Support, now supports Arabic and Thai
- Lots of fixes relating to text entry and auto-completion
- Start up time has been improved
- You can now choose to hide and show both the Status and Navigation bars via Tools > Settings
- Back key behaviour has been improved
- Improved panning and zooming performance
- New UI optimized for tablets
- Refreshed user interface
- Share
- Open Link in Background
- Better Font Support, now supports Arabic and Thai
- Lots of fixes relating to text entry and auto-completion
- Start up time has been improved
- You can now choose to hide and show both the Status and Navigation bars via Tools > Settings
- Back key behaviour has been improved
- Opera_Mini_6.0.apk (754 KB, ↓ 0)
Description/changelog of Opera Mini 5.1.1:
Zip opener download for android pc. Compress Files into Zip Files.2. Extract Rar Files into individual files.4. Extract Zip Files.3.
[no description available for this version]
- Opera_Mini_5.1.1.apk (893 KB, ↓ 0)
Description/changelog of Opera Mini 5.1:
Download Opera Mini Old Version Apk For Android Laptop
[no description available for this version]
- Opera_Mini_5.1.apk (867 KB, ↓ 0)
Description/changelog of Opera Mini 5.0 beta:
[no description available for this version]
- Opera_Mini_5_beta.apk (605 KB, ↓ 0)
Description/changelog of Opera Mini 4.2:
Opera Mini 4.2 provides the following new features:* Now you can upload and download files through Opera Mini and save pages for offline viewing

* Double tap now works for zooming in and out
Download Opera Mini Old Version Apk For Android Pc
* Inline URL entry instead of using native input
Opera Mini Apk For Android
* Fixed password text entry to hide characters* Fixed problems with exiting application when back button was pressed
* Improved trackball speed
* All internal pages, like the start page, now have font size extra large for easier navigation
- Opera_Mini_4.2.apk (355 KB, ↓ 0)
Description/changelog of Opera Mini 4.1:
[no description available for this version]
- [no files available]
Description/changelog of Opera Mini 4.0:
This is the first version of Opera browser that runs on Google's Android open mobile development platform.
The Opera Mini browser renders web pages that have been transcoded to the binary OBML format, meaning much smaller downloads and a faster browsing experience on mobiles, than would be provided by other browsers. The Android WebKit-based browser component has a switch in the public API allowing the use of a transcoding proxy that transcodes web pages to a simpler form of HTML. Whether this is as small and fast as Opera Mini's OBML remains to be seen.
Known issues:
* Small painting issues
* The Back command isn't yet mapped to the device back button
* Small painting issues
* The Back command isn't yet mapped to the device back button
Please note that this version was developed using the previous version of the Android SDK, so won't work in the latest version, or the available Android phones.
- OperaMini_4.0.apk (272 KB, ↓ 0)